For this quick breakfast dish you need only these five ingredients: a banana, one orange, a small red apple, half a cup of buckwheat flakes and around 125 g of plant based coconut yogurt. Put the yogurt and the buckwheat in the bowl and mix both together with a spoon – then let this sit and soak, while you are preparing the fruits. Peel and cut all of that into neat bites … and then assemble the fruits in the bowl, too.

Now, let´s go extra. A special trick you can do with orange peel, if you like to add a tad of bitter taste. Scrub one spot of the orange intensely under hot water and take off a thin layer of peel there. Cut this piece of orange peel into tiny, tiny scrums and sprinkle those on the food.

half a cup | halbe Tasse = 100 ml
spoon | Löffel = 15 ml
teaspoon | Teelöffel = 5 ml
minispoon | Minilöffelchen = 1 ml