Tag: minimalPage 4 of 4

Please, don´t buy me gifts.

It´s christmas time again. I am not celebrating, I am not decorating and I am not giving gifts. These are a few green branches that I found outside…

I don´t need that sh*t

No drugs: I have never been interested in taking anything and I am too scared of a glitch effect. My brain is naturally messed up enough. No TV:…

Sich selbst belohnen.

[ Mit extravagantem Parfum zum Beispiel. ] Rewarding myself with samples of fancy parfum. GYPSY WATER |Top: Bergamot, Juniper Berries, Lemon, Pepper | Heart: Incense, Orris, Pine Needle…

monolog while decluttering

Lizy: Oh, I just came across a stack of computer disks. It has been a while since I had those in my hands. Maybe I should discard them….

Facebook status: deleted. An attempt to minimize digital rubble.

Facebook Status: gelöscht. Ein Versuch die Menge an digitalem Schutt einzudämmen.

clothes in navy blue

A quick thrift haul with an obvious color preference. [ Eine kleine Sammlung an Secondhandklamotten in der Farbe Navy-Blau. ] #secondhand | ad | annonse | anzeige |